Welcome to my blog
This is my blog where I would be discussing practical ideas to increase diversity and inclusive practices in organizations.

👋 Welcome, it's great to have you here.
This is my blog where I would be discussing practical ideas to increase diversity and inclusive practices in organizations.
A few things you should know upfront:
- The articles would be based on research and my perspective.
- Feel free to use my ideas to share with the world, as long as you give me credit.
- Academic language is "fun" but I will be writing using a more accessible style. I like conscise answers. This blog is not to show you how smart I am, the goal is me to share praxis focusing on diversity and inclusive practices. I want folks to become agents of change in their communities.
- I believe that knowleged is the most important tool to create change in our communities, as well as having a deep sense of empathy. These two qualities are the key for our society to become better.
- I am not affiliated with any political organization. I am a progressive christian, I accept and respect others people's believes regarding religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. I actually enjoy associating and learning from others peoples way of life, because it makes me better at understanding the world. Â I am opposed to bigotry, homophobia, sexism, discrimination,and hate.
- If you have questions, just email me.